Fundamentals of Natural Medicines - Importance of Energetics

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

As natural medicine progresses in the modern day, the way it is taught has also changed. With the shift in the last 10+ years to “Evidence Based Medicine”, for better or for worse, it has shifted the emphasis of the various modalities available to the new practitioner. Modalities which were staples of natural medicine such as homeopathy, gemmotherapy, flower essences and essential oils, once the primary treatments, are being pushed to be an afterthought. With this shift in practice, the “Art of Medicine” has been pulled away from the “Science of Medicine”, thus the holistic approach to healing is being lost. Join us for a discussion on “The Fundamentals of Natural Medicine” and how to incorporate these “Energetics” into the “modern practice”.
Products covered in this webinar: C4 Courage & hope, F40 Day complex, F40N Night complex, Frankincense, True lavender, G45 Ficus carica, G61 Viscum album, R-DTX Detox kit, R7, R18, R60

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