Essential Oils for the Winter Pathogens

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

Essential oils can be a great addition to any treatment protocol and can be prescribed with great patient compliance. Depending on its biochemical composition, each essential oil has its own therapeutic properties, be it internal or external use. There are a select few essential oils that have excellent antimicrobial properties and others with immune stimulating or regulating effect. During the season, these essential oils provide great support, especially during the time of antimicrobial resistance. Join us to learn about the many single or combination oils from Pranarōm, be it liquids or capsules that are essential for the immune system, for all ages.
Products covered in this webinar: Aromavita 1, Aromavita 6, Aromavita 8, Aromavita 49, Aromavita 82, Aromavita 93, Chinese chinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Ho Wood, Lavender, Natural Defences #4, Oregano, Pranaforce Natural Defences Solution, Pranaforce Syrup, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Tea tree, Thyme

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