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Ashwagandha | J-ASHW
California Poppy | J-PACA
Catnip | J-CATA
Dandelion | J-PIRA
Echinacea | J-ECHI
Elecampane | J-GRAU
Fennel | J-FENO
Fenugreek | J-FGRE
Feverfew | J-GRCA
Ginger | J-GING
Holy Basil | J-BASI
Lemon Balm | J-MELI
Marshmallow | J-GUIM
Milk Thistle | J-CHMA
Nettle | J-ORTI
Oats | J-AVOI
Pau d'arco | J-PAUA
Rhodiola | J-RHOD
Sage | J-SAOF
Schisandra | J-SCHI
Shepherd's Purse | J-BOPA
Skullcap | J-SCUT
St. John's Wort | J-MILL
Valerian | J-VALE
Yarrow | J-ACHI
Vitex | J-VITE