Rheumatism – Regaining Flexibility
Posted by Bio Lonreco on
Stiffness, pain, swelling, and redness in joints, be it of the small or large joints of the body, are the classic signs of rheumatism. Prolonged arthritic wear and tear will lead to destruction of the cartilage and further erosion of the nearby bone tissue, which can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle, due to the emotional toll it will take on the person. The key to correcting this process is to minimize the inflammatory process and reduce the cartilage destruction. Supporting the body's connective tissue from further destruction and by promoting tissue healing will help to decrease recovery time.
This webinar will discuss Bio Lonreco Inc.'s homeopathics, gemmotherapeutics and nutraceuticals which can assist in this healing process and bring back one's flexibility.
Products covered in this webinar:
R1, R11, R73, R55, R71, G28 ARTISAP, G2 ART-GEM, G62 Pinus montana, G74 Ampelopsis veitchii, G30 Fraxinus excelsior, G47 Vitis vinefera, Doluperine, Aromavita 55, Bio-Gesic, R30, R61