Can Your Legs Support You?

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

Being able to trust that your legs will hold you up is both a physical statement and an emotional statement. With people becoming more sedentary, spending more time behind a desk versus walking and moving around, along with the widespread postural imbalances - symptoms associated with the legs and feet are becoming increasingly common. Musculoskeletal conditions, as well as circulatory, neurological and dermatological conditions can often show up as leg, ankle or foot symptoms. Join us for “Can Your Legs Support You?” to learn how to identify the lifestyle and postural factors, and the associated conditions that contribute to leg, ankle and foot pathology. We will be discussing key Dr. Reckeweg complex homeopathics and HerbalGem concentrated gemmothera-pies to address the various leg, ankle and foot symptoms and conditions, as well as reviewing exercises and home care strategies to better manage or prevent these symptoms.
Products covered in this webinar: G62 Pinus montana, G74 Ampelopsis veitchii, G36 Populus nigra, R30, R61, R11, R1, G34 Ribes nigrum, G83 Betula pubescens, G72 Castanea vesca, G69 Sorbus domestica, G22 DER-GEM, R7, R18, R58, G48 Crataegus oxyacantha, G53 Aesculus hippocastanum, R3, R42, R63, BC-17, R40

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