Normalizing Blood Pressure

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

Hypertension has almost become a fact of life for many people, with most on pharmaceuticals to help either control or as a "preventative" to counteract the effects of other medications. The high blood pressure can be due to many lifestyle factors and can result from or lead to other health complications, like diabetes, renal disease and congestive heart failure. Join us for "Normalizing Blood Pressure" to learn the key cardiovascular tonics to guide your patients to good health. You will get familiar with the key Dr. Reckeweg complex homeopathics and HerbalGem concentrated gemmotherapies which can offer rapid relief and also lasting results. Learn the therapeutics to restore and strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve blood flow and tissue oxygenation.
Products covered in this webinar: R2, R185, BIO 85, G48 Crataegus oxyacantha, G61 Viscum album, G4 COR-GEM, G8 GINKGOGEM Please note that R79 is no longer available in Canada.

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