Executing the Hormone Connections

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

The body is supposed to be a well oiled machine which is mainly controlled by hormonal feedback. The majority of treatment options include balancing of not one but several hormones, due to their close relationship. Optimal hormonal regulation from top down will keep the body in balance thus healing or prevent systemic complications. By joining us for "Executing the Hormone Connections" you will learn how 2 key Organotherapy remedies, R19 and R20 can be at the center of your treatment protocol to good health. We will discuss the connection of these 2 remedies to other Dr. Reckeweg homeopathics, and certain HerbalGems in order to provide equilibrium and restoration. Learn to balance the intricacies of the hormonal systems including metabolism, growth and transition cycles, even unlocking the healing of the nervous and immune systems, for both males and females.
Products covered in this webinar: R19, R20, BIO 93, R59, BIO 92, R34, G13 OST-GEM, G34 Ribes nigrum, G63 Quercus robur, G16 TONIGEM, BIO-TONIC, R10, Menolistica

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