R61 Lumbagin Ointment
Homeopathic medicine
The family business Dr. Reckeweg is committed to producing effective and well-tolerated homoeopathic medicinal products in a responsible way – and has been ever since its birth in 1947. Manufactured in Germany.
Rheumatic & Sciatica Ointment (topical)
Topical application to reduce chronic rheumatic and sciatic irritation within the joints, muscles and nerves.
Controls rheumatic, gouty pains which are aggravated by a change of weather and in cold, damp weather.
Alleviates pain from neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, backache due to degenerative rheumatic processes such as chondritis, osteochondritis, and osteoarthritis.
Berberis vulgaris Ø, Camphora D3, Dulcamara D1, Oleum gaultheriae D1, Rhododendron D6, Rhus toxicodendron D12. DIN-HM 80031915