No. 22 Oak | F-F22
Organic Flower Essence Remedy
Oak: Struggling, never giving up
"For those who are struggling and fighting strongly to get well, or in connection with the affairs of their daily life. They will go on trying one thing after another, though their case may seem hopeless. They will fight on. They are discontented with themselves if illness interferes with their duties or helping others. They are brave people, fighting against great difficulties, without loss of hope or effort."
Bach's 6th group: For those who are suffering from despondency and despair.
Positive change: Increased hope and courage. Remain strong in adversity. Able to carry on without loss of hope.
Biofloral Flower Complexes that contain Oak
- C3 Willingness & fortitude

Manufacturing according to the original method of Dr. Bach
Faithful to the recommendations of Dr. Bach,BIOFLORALprepares its floral elixirs with respect for nature and the spirit of Dr. Bach while strictly adhering to the original method of Dr. Bach.
Made from wild flowers, picked at sunrise, when their potential is at its maximum.
Through the action of water and the sun’s rays, the flowers release their qualities and transmit them to the aquatic element.

The floral maceration obtained is supplemented with certified organic* DEMETER** cognac in a 1:240 dilution.
This method is in full compliance with the original method pioneered by Dr. Bach
Before packaging, our floral elixir is energized a second time to strengthen its action and guarantee maximum efficiency.
Suggested reading
- The Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy by Mechthild Scheffer
- Healing Spirituality - A Practical Guide to Understanding and Working with Bach Flowers by Gudrun Penselin, M. Ed.
- Bach Flowers Unfolding – Card Set by Gudrun Penselin, M. Ed.