Drainaflore Plus - Detox | O-DRAI
Burdock is traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as an alternative to help remove accumulated waste products via the kidneys, skin and mucus membranes.
Burdock, Figwort and Birch are traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a diuretic.
Figwort is used in Herbal Medicine as a mild laxative.
Rosemary and Thyme are used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve flatulent dyspepsia (carminative).
Globe artichoke is used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve digestion disturbances and to help increase bile flow (choleretic).
Did you know?
Artichoke, originally from Northern Africa, was introduced to France during the Renaissance period. The flower of the vegetable, which only appears after the second year of growth, is edible for humans.
Burdock is a biennial plant that is harvested in autumn and spring. It’s common name in French means “grass for scalp ringworm” which illustrates the use of this plant perfectly.
Birch flourishes throughout Europe. The fresh sap, harvested in spring, looks like pure water. In the past, Europeans regularly harvested several liters.
Rosemary is a perennial plant originally from rocky shrubland in the Mediterranean region. It is now grown in many countries.
Black radish is a root known for its white flesh covered with black skin and its particular flavor. The vegetable has been used for centuries in Asia. It is also known as winter radish as it is harvested late, during autumn.