Stress | Anxiety | Sleep
Posted by Bio Lonreco on
Every person handles stress differently, some tense up, while others are able to maintain an easygoing demeanor. For those who find themselves about to crumble under the pressure, Bio Lonreco Inc. offers a wide range of supplements (homeopathic, gemmotherapeutic, herbal or nutraceutical) that can aid in the calming of mind, nerves and body. These supplements can lend support to the body in its fight against stress by facilitating relaxation of the mind or muscles, anxiety reduction, mood elevation, energy restoration, improved sleep or hormonal balance, along with the added benefit of improving memory and mental performance. There are many tools and strategies available to practitioners seeking to aid their patients in restoring and repairing the systemic imbalances caused by stress and its associated clinical symptoms.
Products covered in this webinar:
v-C15, v-C15 forte, R47, BC-24, G3 CAL-GEM, G45 Ficus carica, BIO-NERVES, Flower Complexes, R184, R95 Alfalfa tonic, BC-16, R19, R20, G16 TONIGEM, G34 Ribes nigrum, Ashwagandha, Holy basil, Rhodiola, Omegaline-3, Royal Jelly 1000, R14, G11 NOCTIGEM, G59 Tilia tomentosa, BIO-SLEEP