Looking into the Eyes

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

The notion that eyes deteriorate with age has become an expectation. But does it need to be that way? There are many lifestyle, postural, emotional and environmental factors that contribute to eye symptoms and worsening of eye conditions. Changes in vision and eye symptoms can often indicate a deeper pathology or other underlying conditions. Join us for “Looking into the Eyes” to learn how to identify the factors contributing to eye and vision symptoms and how best to treat them. We will be discussing key Dr. Reckeweg complex homeopathics and HerbalGem concentrated gemmotherapies to address the various causes of eye and vision symptoms and conditions, along with eye exercises and other strategies that can assist patients in both understanding and improving their vision.
Products covered in this webinar: G28 ARTISAP, G13 OST-GEM, G45 Ficus carica, G59 Tilia tomentosa, G20 DEPURASAP, G21 CELLUSAP, G44 Alnus glutinosa, G39 Vaccinium vitis-idaea, R1, R183, R78, R105, R187, G32 Vaccinium myrtillus, G12 OPT-GEM, G41 Rosa canina, G54 Equisetum arvense, BC-1, G8 Ginkgogem, G55 Cercis siliquastrum, G75 Juglans regia, R40

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