Excess or Deficient? Detox or Build?

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

There are a couple of general rules in naturopathic and energetic healing: If a person is in a deficiency state, you need to build. If a person is in a state of excess, you detox. If you detox a person who is deficient, you will make them less well. Determining if a person is in an overall state of excess or deficiency is not always straight forward. This seminar will provide a guide on how to determine whether or not a person is in a state of excess or deficiency, the factors contributing to that overall state and the steps that need to be taken to achieve health and wellness. Join us for “Excess or Deficient? Detox or Build?” to learn how to determine if a person is in a state of excess or deficiency. Dr. Lloyd, ND will be discussing key Dr. Reckeweg complex homeopathics and HerbalGem concentrated gemmotherapies from the perspective of whether they work by assisting the body to detox or helping to build and strengthen a system.
Products covered in this webinar: R1, R7, R18, R3, R12, R31, R60, R95, BIO 82, BIO 83, BIO 87, BIO 88, BIO 85, BIO 91, BIO 93, BC-2, BC-4, BC-10, BC-1, BC-7, BC-16, BC-24, BC-28, G1 ALL-GEM, G7 DEP-GEM, G8 GINKOGEM, G9 IMM-GEM, G16 TONIGEM, G17 VEN-GEM, G20 DEPURASAP, G21 CELLUSAP, G28 ARTISAP

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