Complex Homeopathy for the Beginner

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

As natural medicine progresses in the modern day, so should the way that it is taught. Along with many natural modalities, homeopathy was a staple of natural medicine, but the classical single remedy approach for most practitioners is too hard to do these days. Patients are looking for quick results, but you know it is not that simple. To get the patient on your side and consider your long term protocol, they have to see a quick improvement in their acute situation. Come join us for “Complex Homeopathy for the Beginner” to learn about the most common initial prescriptions used by naturopaths in their clinical practices for over 70 years, that set patients on their way to good health. We will discuss the use of Dr. Reckeweg and Tegor complexes and their use alongside other modalities, to get strong results to build a stronger patient base.

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