Breaking the Fatigue Cycle - Staying Energized

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

Working, studying, playing all require energy in order to perform well. If the energy levels are not maintained, it is difficult to get though the day and accomplish all that one sets out to do. This lowers your motivation and triggers a vicious cycle that is very hard to get out of. Fatigue is generally a sign of some underlying pathology, or a combination of several, which need to be addressed to break the cycle and get back to good health. Things like high or continual stress, adrenal fatigue, sleep imbalances, anemia and poor nutrient supply are just some of many factors that should be addressed to treat the patient and get them back to their full potential. Join us for "Breaking the Fatigue Cycle" to learn how to support the body in a "Whole-istic" approach with various modalities, to get back and maintain the energy.
Products covered in this webinar: Multi-vit + Iron, R95 Alfalfa tonic, BIO 91, R31, Aromavita 95, CoQ10 100 mg Plus E, v-C15 forte, Mega B-Complex + Vit C, Panax Ginseng +, G34 Ribes nigrum, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, G16 TONIGEM, Adrenal Resilience, G11 NOCTIGEM, Aromanocts Relaxing Sleep Spray, Aromanoctis Mental Stress & Exhaustion, Sleep capsules, F40 Day Complex (Rescue), F40N Night Complex, G10 MEM-GEM

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