Auto-Immunity and Antibodies: Regulating the Immune System with Complex Homeopathy

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

Autoimmunity is the failure of an organism to recognize its own elements as self, so resulting in reaction against its own cells and tissues, this reaction is termed autoimmune disorder. For the purpose of this workshop we will look at celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis and allergies. When you bring it down to the basics, there are some key steps when using complex homeopathic formulations that can help regulate the immune system. This seminar is suitable for beginners and seasoned practitioners who want to expand their knowledge with Dr. Reckeweg’s complete complex homeopathic products.
Products covered in this webinar: R-DTX (R7, R18, R60), R26, BIO 93, R1, BIO 91, BIO 82, BIO 87, BIO 88, R56, R61, R73, R46, R51, R30

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