Renal Conditions, Cardiovascular Conditions & Faces of Inflammation

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

Treatment of Renal Conditions – Kidney disease is on the rise and will continue to be one of the most common health conditions facing our society. Understanding how to support renal function and how to recognize and treat various stages of kidney disease is an essential aspect of naturopathic care. In this seminar we will also discuss the different nutritional and environmental factors that affect kidney health. Understanding Cardiovascular Conditions – Cardiovascular conditions include blood pressure imbalances, diseases of the heart, peripheral vascular diseases and blood disorders. This seminar will discuss how to assess and treat various cardiovascular conditions including blood pressure imbalances, varicose veins and hemorrhoids, anemia and congestive heart failure. It will also review the link between cardiovascular conditions and other key conditions such as kidney diseases, liver diseases and mood disorders. The Many Faces of Inflammation – Inflammatory conditions show up in mucous membranes, blood vessels, lymph and fascia and joints. It is the starting point of most acute and chronic conditions. Understanding the essential role of inflammation and the factors that result in excessive inflammation is key to determining the most appropriate treatment plan. This seminar will review various inflammatory conditions such as digestive, lymphatic, allergies, arthritic and others.

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