Complex Homeopathy and Epigenetics

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

Gene therapy or Epigenetics are the catch phrases many doctors and health practitioners are using to attract patients with chronic complicated conditions for whom conventional medicine cannot provide answers. By diving into the genetic world, patients are able to find many answers when you bring it down to the basics, the word “Miasm” and “Genetics” can be inter-changeable. There are some key steps when using complex homeopathic formulations that can help achieve healthy genes. This webinar is suitable for beginners and seasoned practitioners who want to expand their knowledge with Dr. Reckeweg’s complete complex homeopathic products.
Products covered in this webinar: R-DTX (R7, R18, R60), R26, R56, BIO 82, v-C15, v-C15 forte, BC-28, R40, BIO 83, BIO 84, BIO 91, BIO 92, P-E82 Cardamom, P-E05 Roman Chamomile, P-E09 Chinese Cinnamon, P-E74 Thyme Thujanol, P-E59 Thyme Thymol, P-E52 Rosemary Cineole

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