Women’s Health | Weight Loss
Publié par Bio Lonreco le
All female cyclical changes that occur are due to fluctuations in the various hormones that regulate the body. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone as well as DHEA and cortisol, are the key to regulating the female reproductive system, and their control within tight parameters helps to avoid most of the complications that occur. Learn about the top remedies for treating menstrual irregularities, menstrual pain, PMS, or symptoms associated with menopause, as well as acne, to maximize our clinical results. The ever important topic of sustainable weight loss will be talked about, including treatments with homeopathy and gemmotherapy, which can be utilized for both women and men, to move them onto the road to good health.
Products covered in this webinar:
R28, R75, BC-15, Multi-vit + Iron, R10, Menolistica, G23 MENO-GEM, Sage, R53, G19 ACN-GEM, Omegaline-3, R20, G16 TONIGEM, v-C15, R95 Alfalfa tonic, G3 CAL-GEM, R59, R7, R37, BIO 92, G20 DEPURSAP, G21 CELLUSAP, G5 CEL-GEM