The Tick and Lyme’s Wave Across Canada: Complex Homeopathic Solutions for Lyme’s Disease

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

Lyme disease is a complex and mysterious tick-borne illness and it is the fastest spreading vector-borne disease in Canada over the past decade. The tick that carries Lyme has been spreading across Canada with alarming speed. Lyme disease is a disturbing disease that has devastating effects and it is often misdiagnosed and mistreated, and continues to be mired in a medical controversy. We will learn how to create protocol to help doctors heal their patients using complex homeopathic remedies for your complicated patients with Lyme’s disease. You will leave this lecture with one more tool in your tool box to help patients get better.
Products covered in this webinar: R-DTX (R7, R18, R60), R26, BIO 91, G7 DEP-GEM, G75 Juglans regia, R56, BIO 82, R1, BIO 93, BIO 87, BIO 88, G18 BAC-GEM, BIO 83, BIO 84, R30, R46, BC-19, R54, R73, G2 ART-GEM

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