Staying Mobile – Supporting Connective Tissue Pathology

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

Musculoskeletal pain is generally a result of inflammation and injury to the connective tissue. Whether it is a result of a sprain, tear, or overuse, the tendons and ligaments will get stiffer and lose elasticity resulting in localized restrictions and swelling. Unmanaged aches and pains have a tendency to hinder a person’s lifestyle, which in turn can lead to further ill health therefore, providing strength and support to the function of this connective tissue will help to decrease recovery time. Join us for "Staying Mobile - Arthritic and Injury Rebuilding" to learn how to support the body in a "Whole-istic" manner, to get back and maintain mobility. You will learn how to incorporate the key remedies from the many Bio Lonreco lines into your existing protocols.

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