Nervous System Remedies

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

The constant drain on our nervous system is the pandemic of the 21st century. The effects manifest themselves in a number of clinical symptoms and this discussion will give you insight into the right remedies to aid in bringing homeostasis back to the system. These homeopathic complexes can help your patients deal with stressors, combat neurasthenia and fatigue, and insomnia. Lend support to the body in its fight against stress by facilitating relaxation of the mind or muscles, anxiety reduction, mood elevation, energy restoration, and improving sleep, with these Dr. Reckeweg remedies.
Products covered in this webinar: BC-16, BC-24, BIO 91, R14, R22, R29, R33, R36, R47, R60, R69, R70, R81, R95, R184, R187, v-C15, v-C15 forte,

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