Mental Clarity for the Classroom

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

After over a year of turmoil and still so many uncertainties about the future, returning to the classroom can pose extra challenges for teachers and students alike. A person's mind can easily be distracted by daily stress factors as well as emotional states such as fear, anxiety and depression. In addition to creating a peaceful environment, it is important to minimize distractions in order to enhance focus and mental clarity. Flower essences can provide great support in these challenging circumstances. In this webinar we will discuss specific Flower essences and combinations with a specific focus on:
  • Flower essences that can assist in bringing mental clarity
  • Emotional states that may interfere with focus and concentration, and what flowers to apply
  • Different ways of administering these remedies including in a classroom setting
Products covered in this webinar: Single Flower Essence Remedies F-F01 to F-F38 Complex Flower Essence Remedies F-C01 to F-C16

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