Improving Digestion for Sustaining Health
Publié par Bio Lonreco le
The digestive system is responsible for much more than just the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, as it is closely connected with the nervous system and the immune system. Maintaining its healthy function will improve all bodily functions, but gastrointestinal disturbances, such as motility issues, heartburn and inflammation all too often haunt most people. Many times, inflammation along the GI tract can be the cause of various patho-logies including heartburn, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. If not controlled or treated appropriately, deeper pathology arises, affecting growth, immunity and nutritional deficiencies.
Join us for "Improving Digestion for Sustaining Health " to learn how to manage the common GI Pathologies that affect most people. Treatment options will include Dr. Reckeweg homeopathics and HerbalGem gemmo-therapeutics, to control, repair and restore the irritated GI tract.
Products covered in this webinar:
G45 Ficus carica, R5, R190, R52, R4, R37, G39 Vaccinium vitis-idaea, G75 Juglans regia, G24 STOMAGEM, BIO 83, BIO 92