Gemmotherapy 8-part Webinar Series – Part 1

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

Gemmotherapy belongs to the realm of phytotherapy but differs by using the buds/young shoots or stem cells of plants which are particularly effective for drainage due to their detoxifying actions on the body. The content will include: An overview of what gemmotherapy is; its background and a highlighting of the points that differentiates it from phytotherapy derived from adult plants. The 57 gemmotherapy remedies will be reviewed, one by one, highlighting the specific, unique points for each. Some case examples will be given throughout illustrating clinical application of the gemmo remedies. Gemmos will be reviewed based on body systems or physiological actions, for example, lymphatic moving, liver remedies, cardiovascular remedies, skin remedies, etc. This allows participants to begin to differentiate the application of the gemmos in relation to others that may have a similar action or body system application, providing an overall review of the remedies from a different context. An overview on the combining of gemmos in complexes to address common issues and discussing each complex along with its clinical applications.

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