First Aid & Essential Remedies

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

For over 130 years, homeopathy has been a main form of treatment and patient care all over the world. With the instant gratification that people are accustomed to these days (with the medical system), the common teachings of classical homeopathy have made it tough to understand and use in this modern era. Most practitioners nowadays use homeopathic complexes to deal with acute and first aid care. Along with these first aid remedies, other essential remedies will also be reviewed. These are the one-of-a-kind formulas that are a must have in any dispensary as they will come handy in most clinical applications.
Products covered in this webinar: BIO 87, BIO 88, BIO 93, R1, R4, R8, R16, R30, R52, R55, R60, R94, R96, R97, v-C15

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