Clay... Who am I?

Publié par Bio Lonreco le

presented by Maureen Hovon-Chung, N.D (Phy), PHY.A.

Since ancient times, clay has been used to make face masks, poultices, plasters, dressings, baths and foot, hand and mouth baths. Clays come in a variety of natural colors, from green to white, red to pink, yellow and, of course, Ghassoul clay from Morocco. There are many different types and families of clay for everyday use: green Illite, green Montmorillonite, white Kaolin and Ghassoul.

Argiletz’s clays are sun-dried according to an ancestral method. The clay grains are either crushed, granulated or fine ultra-ventilated powders with different properties to be discovered according to individual needs.

Join us to discover the different benefits that this precious material has to offer.

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