Tegor BIO 87

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

Bacterial Load Minimizer
  • This bacterial nosode preparation acts on the immune system to educate and stimulate the white blood cells to detect and destroy the invasive bacteria as well as reduce the body's reactivity to them.
  • Used for bacterial infections, acute or chronic, due to external invasion or internal proliferation.
  • Excellent adjunctive therapy for Staph, Strep, E. coli, and other infections affecting the throat, lungs, urinary or digestive system, which lead to localized symptoms.
Medicinal ingredients: Botulinum D30, Colibacillinum cum natrum muriaticum D12, D30, Hydrastis D4, Pneumococcinum D30, Proteus D30, Pseudomonas aeruginosa D30, Salmonella thyphi D30, Scarlatinum D30, Staphylococcinum D30, Streptococcinum D30, Tuberculinum D30.

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