Dr. Reckeweg v-C15 forte

Posted by Bio Lonreco on

v-C15 forte is essential for the psychological sphere, such as the general stresses of life, stress related to a specific event, or chronic stress. The added symptom of poor physical stamina is also treated. When one feels tired, exhausted and run down after difficult times or physical overload, as one is going through changes in their lives, including family, work or in relationship with others, v-C15 forte will help one get back on their feet and regain strength while appeasing the flood of emotions (stress).
Medicinal ingredients: Acidum phosphoricum D3 1 g, Cocculus D5 1 g, Helonias dioica D5 1 g, Ignatia D5 1 g, Panax ginseng D1 1 g, Sepia D6 1 g, Zincum metallicum D6 0.1 g.

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